Why does one selling process work and not another? Is it about the quality of your offer, the pricing, your representation? What are the reasons why a customer really buys your product - and how do they want to be treated while being consulted, advised, sold to?
This last question gives you one of the answers, when the "soft" processes are as least as important as the "hard" facts. Your customers want all of their individual needs to be taken seriously - even if they appear to stray outside the planned business focus of the encounter! Your customers want to be the centre of interest. Only when you actively care for and demonstrate this will you marshal long term success in today's highly competitive business environment.
In the beginning you need to establish a positive and trustworthy relationship. Using your skills with the "soft" processes to create opportunities for you to display your product and service knowledge and expertise. Not forgetting that we always have to closely observe what went really well to be able to systematically repeat the success stories. Ultimately it is the customers who will decide if they are satisfied - but only a satisfied customer remains our customer, and recommends us further to others!
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